The Harvest Is Plentiful

The Harvest Is Plentiful

Author: Rev Esther Holmes
September 07, 2020

Think about it! Happy Labor Day and all I can think about is Matt.9:37-38. Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is truly plentiful, but the laborers are few. Therefore pray the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest.” Amen and a great harvest of souls are coming, so do what Jesus says, daily pray for workers to be prepared to go out in the up coming days ahead. His laborers are those who have endured trials and can testify of how the Lord Jesus brought them through. They will be able to lead the lost to salvation and will help disciple them. This is preparation time church. Read II Cor. 1:3-7 and rejoice that all you have been through will be used to comfort others in their hard times. Your stories of deliverance are very
Valuable to the King and His Kingdom. Keep the faith and allow the work of the Holy Spirit to prepare you for His final harvest before His return! Think about it!
