It Is The Lord.

It Is The Lord.

Author: Rev Esther Holmes
July 11, 2020

Think about it! When I saw this verse this morning, it shined a great light in my own heart. I Sam. 3:18 Then Samuel told him everything, and hid nothing from him. And he said, “It is the Lord. Let him do what seems good to Him.” **what I got out of this is if I see my Lord in everything and completely trust him then how can I ever fear or complain. His wisdom, power, love never fail. Even in great loss in my life he has taught me his ways and I have gained more knowledge of him. Job 1:21 The Lord gave and the Lord has taken away; May the name of the Lord be praised. **Now that attitude that Job had is why God could trust him to endure the testing which brought great heartache and deep sorrows. Seeing my Jesus in everything has helped me endure even to be patient with contentious people. Contentious people love to argue, causing you to be weary if you join the argument. We must pursue peace at all costs. God will use all we go through in life to be an instrument of refining us so that we can help others see Him working all things together for his glory. During the pandemic, see Him and ask yourself if you can say as Eli did without any wrong attitude in your heart. “It is the Lord. Let him do what seems good to him.” Trusting the Lord does not mean we will understand everything that has happened in the past or present or future. It means we believe he knows what is best and is who he says he is in the Word of God. Ps. 32:7 You are my hiding place; you shall preserve me in trouble; you shall surround me with songs of deliverance. **The brethren needs the faith and trust of Job in the midst of all this evil. Give us more grace, Lord, to endure to the end of this earthly life. May we allow your potters hand to mold and make us into your image for your glory and honor. I want to see YOU in everything! May your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. No fear of man; only reverend fear of the one who will decide my eternity; his name is Jesus Christ my Lord and savior. I will not bow my knee to another God by his grace and mercy. Think about these things. Amen
