Man-made Religion is Powerless

Man-made Religion is Powerless

Author: Rev. Esther Holmes
May 10, 2018

Think about it!  Rom 1:21-25
Gen 4:3-5  The Lord accepted the offering of Abel because he came before God in true faith and dedication to righteousness.
Heb 11:4  I John 3:12
John 4:23-24  Abel’s sacrifice was true worship doing what the Holy Spirit wanted.  Accepted.  Cain’s was false worship, doing it the way Cain wanted.  Unaccepted.
Cain brought the wrong kind of sacrifice.  His offering was unaccepted because he lacked a sincere, obedient faith and because his deeds were evil.  Gen 47
God takes and receives our offerings and thanksgivings only when we are striving to live a righteous life according to His will.
(Deu 6:5)
True obedience to God and His commandments is possible only when it springs from FAITH in and love for God.
Gen 4:7  Shows Cain is without excuse because God gave him another chance to do it right and he wouldn’t.  Wanted his own religion.
Religion has always caused great wars.
Matt 23:5  Jude 11  I John 3:12  Rev 17:6; 18:24
