Do You Seek Wisdom%253f

Do You Seek Wisdom?

Author: Rev Esther Holmes
October 09, 2020

Think about it! I am still studying and thinking about Gods wisdom. In Proverbs 4:8 Exalt her and she will promote thee. I have some questions to put to us today as this verse is talking about wisdom. 1. Does the way we live our lives exalt wisdom, exalt God? 2. Do we believe the plans and purposes of God are good? 3. Do we show God his wisdom is important to us by seeking wisdom. 4. Or do we seek pleasure and our own way and ignore his wisdom? Our purpose is it not to exalt Christ in all we do? If we walk with God we can’t ignore His wisdom. He will promote those who seek to walk in His wisdom and we know promotion must come from God. Our purposes must be conformed to His and remember Jesus is looking for people He can live through. Jesus prayed in John 17 that we would be one with Him as He is with the Father. Wisdom will reward you in life and bring you to a place that Jesus can trust you. Seek His wisdom and understanding so your life brings Him glory. Think about how much you desire His wisdom.
