Who Is Your Neighbor%253f

Who Is Your Neighbor?

March 23, 2018

Think about It! The second commandment says love your neighbor as yourself. Jesus provoked the lawyer to think about who his neighbor was in Luke 10:26-36 This is the story of the Good Samaritan. Jesus ends it with a question in verse 36. Which of these three do you think was a neighbor to him who fell among the thieves? Think about this- To the lawyer, the wounded man was a subject to discuss. To the thieves, the wounded man was someone to use and exploit. To the religious man he was a problem to avoid. To the innkeeper he was a customer to make money from. To the Samaritan, he was a human being worth being cared for and loved. To Jesus all of them and all of us were worth dying for. Think about who you think is your neighbor then may we ask ourselves do we love them like we love ourselves? Which one would we have been like in this story? Food for thought. Second greatest commandment we can’t ignore this. Agape love has no selfishness.


