Have you not known Me%253f

Have you not known Me?

Author: Rev. Esther Holmes
May 10, 2018

Think about it!  John 14:9  Have I been so long with you and yet have you not known Me?
This wasn’t a rebuke but a leading onward for Phillip.  Before Pentecost they knew Him as the One who brought power.  Luke 10:18-20  Christ said it was expedient for them that He leave. He wanted a closer intimate relationship with them.  In the world if we leave the one we love our relationship is destroyed.  In Christ when He left He became even closer and more real to them as their Savior.
We receive His blessings, know His Word, but do we know Him? Fruit-bearing shows an intimate union with Him.  John 15:1-4  Once we are intimate with Jesus we are never lonely, never need sympathy, we can pour out all the time, we will never leave impression of our self.
