The Perfect Work

Author: Rev. Esther Holmes
May 10, 2018

Think about it!   James 5:11.  Impatience brings spiritual poverty.  Job’s trial lasted several months and he fought for deliverance the whole time.  Patience was working and gave him strength to endure.
James 1:1-4, 5:7-10.  Long suffering.
Two blessings of perfect patience – Perfect in knowledge of the Word and the will of God (Phil 3:5) and personal completeness in all graces and gifts of God, complete in all parts – Spirit, Soul, and Body.  I Thes 5:23 – Made whole. I Peter 5:10 and II Peter 1:6 – brings us to godliness.
Patience – an “abiding under”; brings forth persistence or perseverance. Without patience we will never be steadfast – we will waiver.  Impatient are prideful – think they need to move before God.  Patience perfects the fruit of the Spirit.
Col 1:11 – Patient believers are strengthened in all power (Eph 3:16)
II Tim 3:5 – The patience of Christ – patiently wait for Christ; be patient in suffering as Christ was. He remained godly in all actions and speech (Heb 12:2); be patient in waiting for your deliverance.   Rev 3:10 – the Word of My patience. Heb 6:12
Isa 40:31 – Those that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles: they shall run and not be weary: they shall walk and not faint.
