In Hot Pursuit of Christ

Author: Rev. Esther Holmes
May 10, 2018

Think about it!  I’m in hot pursuit of Christ – search for Jesus like a hound tracks a scent!   It is not until man is completely displeased with himself that he begins to follow after God.   Satan blinds our eyes and we remain self-satisfied.
John 5:36-46  The scriptures testify of His being.
The only one we can reach the Father by
Show His perfection
The sufficiency of His work
The scriptures alone is He found
The knowledge spoken of in these verses is not intellectual but it is given by the supernatural power of the Holy Spirit – not general knowledge but personal.  Eph 3:4; II Peter 3:18; Phil 3:10; John 17:13
Ex 16:17  Some gathered more, some less.  Bread of life – manna a type of our apprehension of Him.  You can go as deep as you like. John 1:16  Inexhaustible fullness.  Eph 1:23;  II Tim 2:1  Be strong in the grace – eating meat builds muscle.
Mat 9:29  According to your faith be it unto you.  Job 42:5  Holy Spirit drops all blinders so that we see God.
The more real Christ becomes to us the more we are attracted to His perfections.  Rev 19:12  Upon His head are many crowns.  Isa 9:6  His Name shall be called wonderful.
Our greatest delight should be to consider the High Priest of our perfection.  Heb 3:1
Is He the chief joy of your life?  If not your Bible reading is profiting you nothing in your pursuit of Christ.   As you pursue Him, He should become more precious to you.
I Peter 2:7  He is precious to those who believe.  Phil 3:8  Count all a loss for the excellency of knowledge of Him.
Song of Solomon 1:3  Even His Name is a soothing oil.
Ps 73:25  Do you love Him like this?  Prov 23:26  My son, give Me thine heart!
As you pursue Him you will become more confident in Him.  Mat 8:10;14:3; Heb 10:22
II Thes 1:3  Your faith grows exceedingly (they must have been pursuing Him)
Ps 9:10  the more you know Him the more you will trust Him.  Those who pursue Christ diligently desire to fully please Him for the more I understand Him the more ways I can please Him.
II Cor 5:15  Don’t live unto yourself but unto Him which died for them and rose.  What an insult to the King if His subjects refuse to read His orders!
I Cor 13:12  Love can’t be satisfied with nothing short of seeing the object it loves.  John 17:24; Isa 53:11; Ps 17:15; I John 3:2
Never again will we be separated (for this I earnestly wait!) Is Christ daily becoming more precious to you?
